NACC is a trusted national leader in reliable 24-hour Crime Stoppers call centre services.
Experienced. Reliable.
Always on call.
Always on call.
NACC provides all services required to assist Crime Stoppers programs, 24 hours per day, 365 days a year.
It is with great pleasure to introduce to you the National Anonymous Call Centre (NACC). We are a registered Charity, run by Crime Stoppers personnel and staffed by Crime Stoppers trained personnel, featuring state of the art technology and provide service for all current Tip Management software. The creation of NACC was a direct response to the needs and wishes of Crime Stoppers programs with a vested interest in exclusive clientele of Crime Stoppers programs as our main and only focal point.
The professional team at NACC takes action, no matter the situation. We are an effective and proven successful tool for your Crime Stoppers program.
NACC is your partner in crime.
Our Staff
We employ staff who are accountable for their actions. All call takers and staff are Police cleared and sworn in. They receive the highest level of training from experienced Crime Stoppers Units and law enforcement. All our operators work from a secured site under strict supervision. Our staff have exceptional investigative skills and flexibility for making sure all programs are handled as per their protocols.
Recognizing the value of our work that we bring to all communities, we will escalate our efforts to work with your program, your community and your police service.
NACC is your
partner in crime.
partner in crime.
We tailor our services to your program, your community and your police service.
Our Goal is to provide the highest standard of service by Crime Stoppers trained personnel working with state of the art communication and software services. Recognizing the value of our work that we bring to all communities, we will escalate our efforts to work with your program, your community and your police service. We have developed a more simplified, billing schedule, fair billing and reduce overall costs to your program.
Advanced Tip Management Software
We work with a fully integrated and state-of-the-art tip acquisition and tip management solution that has quickly become the leading choice of Crime Stoppers Programs. P3 is a fresh new approach to cloud-based tip and intelligence management with many new industry leading features.